So what is going on?

As we approach our first halving, there are plenty of questions on everyone’s mind about the future of $GEAR, Phase 2, and the project at large. This article will cover another utility of Phase 2 —  upgrades for Space Robots.

Sending your Space Robots on an upgrade mission by burning $GEAR increases their rarity, giving them a higher $GEAR reward rate. There is also a new rarity of Space Robots being introduced, Super Legendary, which will come with twice the yield of a Legendary Space Robot.

With these upgrades, Commons will be able to upgrade to Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Super Legendary. Rares will be able to upgrade to Epic, Legendary, and Super Legendary. Epics — to Legendary and Super Legendary, and Legendaries — to Super Legendary.

What about the tokenomics? Won’t it be hurt by all these Robots getting upgraded?

In order to maintain the sustainable tokenomics and ensure the upgrades burn enough $GEAR to get it back on track, it’s not guaranteed that these upgrade missions will be successful. About 60% of your upgrade missions will grant your Space Robot a new rarity.

However, all hope is not lost! You can equip your Space Robot with more rocket fuel in the form of $GEAR to send an Advanced Upgrade Mission, which will have an 80% chance of success, and a higher probability for your Space Robot to increase the rarity!

Epic Space Robots have to go through several obstacles and difficulties to enter Legendary territory, making their missions more difficult and prone to failure. A Basic Upgrade mission for an Epic Space Robot has a 50% chance of success, while an Advanced Upgrade Mission has a 70% chance of success.

Why should you send your Robots to an Upgrade Mission if the upgrade is not guaranteed?

  1. There is still a probability of getting a higher rarity — even going from common to SuperLegendary!
  2. Even if you upgrade your Robot and the rarity stays the same — you’ve made a great thing as you contributed to a more sustainable $GEAR and healthier ecosystem!

How much will it cost me to send my Robots on missions?

Here’s how much it will cost for you to send your Space Robots on a mission: