**Minting and Expeditions** / Rarities

Space Robots is an advanced version of Generous Robots. They are AI-enhanced Robots with superpowers.

Due to their enhanced AI, Space Robots are more efficient in the creation of $GEAR which is needed for all aspects of the Ecosystem shared with Generous Robots.

What's better?

Space Robots increased the staking rate based on rarities and also opened up the opportunity for other investors to come to join our community. Space Robots launch also created other opportunities for our entire community.

πŸ’° Creation of GR Ventures

πŸš€ Creation of Accelerator and Launchpad

πŸ’Ή More IDO opportunities

🧒 Merch and Private Robots Club with both Gen.1 and Gen.2


The Space Robots were thriving until their home planet was overtaken by an evil rugger. After being forced into a black hole in their escape, they found themselves in a violent cosmic collision. Only a few survived from their vast planet, clinging to a meteor. Desperate for help they are counting every second, hoping the Generous Robots will arrive in time to save them before it’s too late.
